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Full Mouth Rehabilitation – Implant and Tooth Supported Combinations

Dr. Aldo Leopardi of DenteVita Prosthodontics can fully restore your smile and increase your self-confidence when tooth decay or injury has compromised your teeth. With full mouth rehabilitation, world-renowned Denver Prosthodontist Dr. Leopardi replaces missing or injured teeth even if one or all of your teeth are missing.


What is a Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Dental work that involves replacing multiple teeth is called full mouth rehabilitation. This treatment could include replacement of every tooth or several teeth.


What Options are Available for Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation can be described as a multitude of different types of dental procedures. While all of the procedures differ, they have one common goal – to replace missing or damaged teeth in order to restore your smile.

Full mouth rehabilitation options include:

  • Full or partial dentures – removable denture options that do not require the need for significant surgical procedures.
  • Implant and removable denture combination – the use of several dental implants, which will be connected to a small set of removable dentures.
  • Implant and fixed denture combination – placement of several implants which are connected to a fixed denture device. The device cannot be removed without the assistance of a Prosthodontist.

Advantages of a Full Mouth Rehabilitation Using Implant or Tooth Supported Combinations

Dr. Leopardi will help patients weigh the advantages and disadvantages of specific types of dental procedures. When working with patients considering a full mouth rehabilitation, Dr. Leopardi will discuss advantages such as:

  • Treatment option flexibility – there are several options available which allow patients to seek treatment regardless of their budget constraints
  • Restoration of your smile
  • Placement of strong, sturdy teeth which restores functionality


Disadvantages of a Full Mouth Rehabilitation Using Implant or Tooth Supported Combinations

The biggest disadvantage of a full mouth rehabilitation is the amount of time involved. The procedure, from start to finish, could take several months to complete. Some patients are unable to commit to this amount of time.

For a full mouth rehabilitation using implant or tooth supported combinations, other disadvantages may include:

  • Amount of planning – full mouth rehabilitations take an extensive amount of planning both on the part of the Prosthodontist and the patient.
  • Cost – treatment costs can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars.
  • Recovery time – implant procedure recovery time can take several months.
  • Chance of failure – if not properly maintained the implant procedure may fail.
  • Multiple appointments – a full mouth rehabilitation will require multiple dental appointments.

Dr. Leopardi, a world renowned Prosthodontist located in Denver, Colorado, is available to discuss full mouth rehabilitation options with you. Call the office today at 720-488-7677 to schedule a consultation.

Reconstructive Dentistry


Before and After Case Studies for Full Mouth Rehabilitation – Implant and Tooth Supported Combinations